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# 1 Resume Distrubution Service
Find a job using the best resume distribution service. Since 1999, Our Resume partners has helped over 100,000 happy customers supercharge their job search efforts and find a job. We've performed over 5 million resume submissions to all the top online job banks and job search engines. Shouldn't you use the oldest and largest Online Resume Posting Service to supercharge YOUR online job search?
Let employers find you on job banks & job search engines. While more than 90% of today's employers rely on the internet to fill their job openings, most hiring managers search resumes on their favorite job banks before posting a job opportunity. They cherry pick the right resumes to avoid an onslaught of unqualified job applications. With our online resume posting services, employers contact you asking for an employment application or to set up a job interview.
Electronic Resume Posting to top job banks . Since 1.5 million employers & recruiters search these job sites daily for resumes, you should be on all of them. That way you'll be found wherever and whenever an employer is searching for someone like you. Be found on Monster, Hotjobs, Career Builder, Dice & many more...
While many employers search the largest job banks, increasingly employers and recruiters are cutting costs by searching the lesser expensive, mid sized job sites. It's simple. Different employers like different job sites. So to maximize your job opportunities, We'll post your resume on job banks like Monster, Hotjobs, Career Builder & Dice & many more.
Get instant exposure to more online jobs, job openings & job listings When we set up accounts on all the top job banks for you, we also set up job agents, which are little search engines that match your resume to job listings and then email you employment opportunities. Many of the job sites will also match your resume to job openings and send your resume directly to the employer. And since you'll have accounts on all the top job search engines you can easily search and apply to the millions of available job listings online Here